Thursday, May 21, 2009

Seoul, South Korea

Our welcome to the neighborhood gift!
Our building with the playground in front of it!!

Hello all! Sorry that it has taken so long to get a post up on here. We just got internet access yesterday afternoon and by the time I finished catching up on our e-mail I was falling asleep sitting at my computer:-( For those who haven't heard from us since our departure last week I will give you a rundown of what has been up with the Utter family clan:

Thursday May 14th we arrived in Incheon Airport at a little before 2pm Korea time(1am NY time)!! After being picked up by Tim and 3 of his coworkers we came to our new house in Hannam Village, which is in beautiful Seoul! The kids were amazed by the huge bridges that are all over the place here. As well as the high rise buildings which are quite numerous as well! Our flight was very long but we survived!

On Friday the 15th we had to go and do a bunch of inprocessing so that we could get on and off post as well as our compound which is military as well...we did a lot of walking and by the time the day was over we were pretty well spent! We were able to get TJ & Emily registered for school, they had to go have 2 shots in order to start! We also went shopping at the PX to get things we needed for the house, I was able to get a cell phone so I could have a way to call home:-) The kids went on their first cab rides and truly enjoyed!

On Saturday we went shopping at the Commissary(grocery store) so we could get food for our house! After we got home from the store the jet lag kicked in and we had a quiet evening. The kids and I were all falling asleep at 6 at night:-( Made life pretty interesting!

Sunday we went to church for the first time as a family since last June! It was so nice:-) We went to the Chapel service here at Hannam Village and it is a pretty large group. Service was great unfortunately it was the head Chaplin's last service as he is leaving South Korea in a few weeks! There are many families that are going to be leaving our community this summer which is nice for me because it will be more than just myself as a new person around:-) Sunday afternoon we rested as our jet lag was still kicking our butts!

Monday I had to go to my first day of class for inprocessing into the Army in was interesting to say the least! Tammy & Elijah got to go to the daycare for the day and meet some new friends. TJ & Emily stayed with Dad and went to orientation at their school and to the hospital to get their TB test read. Tim unfortunately had to go back to his work/home on Monday afternoon.

Tuesday I was back in school for the day...this day was all about learning about the Korean culture!! Started to learn some Korean words and phrases!!

Wednesday TJ & Emily finally started school! They both are enjoying and getting to know their new friends. TJ managed to lose his bus pass on the first day!!! It's amazing how listening to Mom when she says to put it in your backpack it might have prevented this from occuring!!

Today was their second day of school and they are getting settled!

As for Tammy and Elijah they are just going on like always! Everyone is looking forward to this weekend because the pool opens in our community and Daddy will be back home with us at last.

I hope that all of you are doing well and know that we think of all of you daily!

Love & Prayers!!

1 comment:

  1. We miss you horribly, the number of times this week I've said to myself, I'll just call Steph for a chat and then remembered I can't!! Glad to hear that all is well, can you email me (on facebook) your mobile number, I may be able to txt you or even call for free.. not sure!
