Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Hello to all!

This is going to be my way to communicate to everyone in a bulk format from now on. Since our lives are getting ready to go through some major changes. For all of you that I haven't talked to in a while, I apologize greatly. Our lives have been very crazy. I am never going to take my husband for granted again after I have lived as a single parent for 8+ months. Kids need 2 parents!!

Anyways...for those of you that don't know the kids and I are going to be moving to South Korea to be with Tim. We went on Monday 3/16 to do all of the paperwork for our passports and Visas for us to begin the moving progress. The woman who did our paperwork said that it could take up to 6 weeks for them to return but we have heard of many people getting them back within 2 weeks! All in God's time is the way that I am looking at it. Once we have our passports Tim can go and arrange our flights and then I have to get our stuff packed and put into storage and shipped to Korea. Right now I am just trying to go through everything and decide what I want to store here in the states, what I want to ship to Korea and what I want to get rid of all together. So yes I am busy. Plus we are trying to spend as much time with our family and friends as we can while we are here. The kids are VERY excited about getting to be with their Daddy again!! Tammy keeps packing underwear in her backpack and asks me to take her to the airport:-)

I will keep this posted as to our progress of the move and such.

Talk to you again very soon!!